Passion Purpose Progress
Discover how Street Smart Ventures can assist your organization in achieving its goals of social change and personal fulfillment.
Empowering Youth Through Innovation
Street Smart Ventures mission is to provide our clients and communities with creative, practical and engaging sets of supports, opportunities, and services designed for individuals, groups, and organizations that are committed to social change and a sense of fulfillment.
SSV creates and adapts businesses and structured work experience programs designed to meet the needs of various customers and special populations. We believe entrepreneurship, work and learning can be integrated into highly motivating and mentor-rich activities to teach life, work and academic skills.
Know our services
By aligning our strategies with the unique needs of our clients, we foster success, growth, and innovation.
Our Community
YASBIZ is made up many DMHAS (Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services). funded agencies in Connecticut that provide services to young adults. Some of these agencies include: